Top 10 healthiest foods to boost longevity and fight diseases

healthy food

You should focus on eating healthy foods that contain the nutrients, minerals, vitamins, good fats, and antioxidants that our bodies need to fight cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, cellular aging, and cancer.

If you want to live long and healthy, here’s a short list of the top 10 healthiest foods:



If apples are a very healthy fruit, it is simply because they are rich in fiber and vitamins, but also in antioxidants. If we want to help our body fight free radicals, apples are second to none. Plus, with all the varieties of apples on the market, it’s hard to give up this delicious fruit that can be consumed raw or cooked. Apples are one of the best hunger suppressants in the world.



Lentils are one of the most popular legumes available, and one of the healthiest too! Lentils are very rich in soluble fiber, protect the heart, and absorb cholesterol before it has time to stick to the arteries. Thanks to their high protein content, lentils can regulate blood sugar levels: They are ideal for helping to avoid snacking. Finally, a recent study showed that lentils rank very well among legumes in terms of antioxidants.



Blueberries come from Canada and have a stunning blue color, of course, but they are also known for their high antioxidant content. No other berry in the world can match their antioxidant content. Consuming blueberries protects the body from cardiovascular disease, cancers, vision issues, memory loss, cell aging, and urinary tract infections.



Avocados have long been seen as the devil because of their high-fat content. Nowadays, however, they are seen as one of the healthiest foods in the world. Yes, it’s high in fat, but it’s good fat, which helps lower cholesterol! Thus, when cholesterol is lower, the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases is reduced. In addition, avocados also contain glutathione, one of the most powerful antioxidants.



There’s a good reason why broccoli is ranked among the top 10 healthiest foods! Perhaps because of its reputation as an anti-cancer food? Broccoli is a vegetable rich in sulfur compounds, the consumption of which increases the production of enzymes that detoxify cancer-causing substances. Broccoli is rich in calcium, potassium, fiber, and vitamins K and C. It also protects our bones, our arterial blood pressure, and our memory… and can be consumed raw or cooked.



We should always carry almonds in our hands or our bags. Yes, almonds are lower in fat, but they are packed with nutrients and allow us to get a full serving of vitamin E and magnesium (two nutrients that are generally lacking in our diet), antioxidants, and fiber. Together with chia seeds, they are one of the healthiest and most nutritious nuts and seeds in the world.

Flax Seeds

Flax Seeds

Another highly nutritious seed family, flaxseed can’t be beaten. A tablespoon of flaxseed contains just over 2 grams of fiber, specifically soluble fiber, which helps lower bad cholesterol. Moreover, flaxseeds also allow us to fight breast cancer and protect us from stroke.



Garlic is antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and a natural antibiotic. Garlic protects our heart, arteries, and immune system… Garlic also helps us fight diabetes, cholesterol, and digestive disorders and keeps colon and prostate cancer at bay. It is enough to consume 6 small cloves of garlic per week. And don’t forget that after eating garlic, you should brush your teeth to avoid bad odor.



Peppers are a very valuable vegetable, whether raw or cooked, and whether they are green, yellow, orange, or red! Peppers are very low in calories and rich in fiber, water, and vitamins A A, B B, C C, and P. In particular, vitamins C and P are associated with many of the antioxidants contained in peppers, allowing us to fight cellular aging and help us maintain beautiful skin.



Although salmon is a fatty fish, it is a very healthy food. Why? The answer is simply that the fats in salmon are good fats that pamper our arteries and protect us from cardiovascular disease. A recent study showed that consuming salmon twice a week is enough to reduce the risk of a heart attack by 27 percent.