Why Fish is Good for Your Health


Fish is considered one of the rich sources of protein, so the people of the East accepted to eat it, and it is eaten with rice in these poor countries, especially in the Far East and Africa, but research has proven the importance of eating fish, especially in the age after the age of forty, because it protects against diseases of the age, especially blood clots, so the people of the West accepted it based on medical advice.

Hidden conflicts are taking place between countries that have fishing fleets, to compete for quotas, quantities, and beaches where the fleets of these countries fish, and the truth is that the fish has become less than before. Some laws limit the number of whales caught by the fleets of countries, to prevent the extinction of this species after the reduction of fish wealth in the world, compared to what existed in ancient times.

Fish Uses and Benefits

Rich in Essential Proteins

It is rich in proteins that contain important amino acids such as arginine, tryptophan, and others. They are important for maintaining the body’s tissues and building what the body needs in the repair processes that occur in the body’s tissues.

Source of Essential Minerals

Fish is an important source of iodine and phosphorus. These are essential for teeth, bones, and blood, and it is an important source of calcium.

Vitamins A and D Enrichment

Fish contains vitamins A and D. These vitamins are found in fish liver.

Low in Sugars and Glucosides

Fish meat does not contain semi-sugars or glucosides, so it is given to those who are on a weight loss diet.

Promotes Memory and Bone Health

The phosphorus found in fish, especially sardines, activates memory and has an important role in building bones.

High in Glutamic Acid

Fish contains a high content of glutamic acid, which is essential for brain, nerve, and tissue function.

Omega-3 Richness

Most importantly, the presence of omega-3. Unlike cholesterol, which is harmful to human health, fish fat containing omega prevents blood clots that affect the heart and brain, so if the fat found in animals such as sheep and cows is harmful to health, fish fat is required for the health of the human body, because the more fish fat, the more omega is present in it. All fish contain omega-3 in their bodies. But there are fish species that contain a higher percentage of this substance, in some fish the fat constitutes 1% of the weight, in others 2% of the weight, and in tuna the percentage reaches 15%, and the most important types of fish that contain high percentages are tuna, sardines, salmon, and scampi fish. It is preferable for heart patients to eat fish three times a week to cause complete prevention, but recent research has proven that eating fish even once a month causes good prevention. Omegas are present in fish and all aquatic creatures in different proportions, and they are polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Beneficial for Multiple Sclerosis

Fish rich in omega-3 are essential in the diet of patients with multiple sclerosis. It is a disease that affects the spinal cord. Fish prevents the progression of this disease, for which there is still no effective treatment. Sea fish is preferable to river fish, and it is preferable to eat fish fresh.

Enhances Reproductive Energy

Fish strengthens and nourishes the body, especially reproductive energy, especially sturgeon eggs. It is called “caviar”. It is also eaten with alcoholic beverages to minimize the harm of alcohol to the body, and Russia and Iran are important exporters of caviar.